
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 5 Day 2: Band and Wagon

Today and a Few Days Prior

Bandwagon is a particular activity or cause that has suddenly become fashionable or popular.

As the winds and rains grow more bitter, so do our fevers and coughs. Surprisingly, over the past few days, we've have a large amount of members show up more than usual, as though robotics was the new topic to hop onto the bandwagon. We're grateful for this, since with all our sick taking time off to recuperate, it's good to know that we've given ourselves head start to the week before our fevers and colds catch up to us.

As for work-wise, our mentor has shown us what we need to do and how to do it, so we just hop on board and get the work done. Finishing most of our crucial work for the day helps us remove some stress on our shoulders as we shovel away at the piles of details needed for the robot.

Of course, as we work though the robot and finished the work, the presence of music is ubiquitous. Everywhere we work, there will always be the sounds of music we enjoy. By the end of the day, we were taking a break and eating pizza, like we do sporadically. We pull up some soothing music to listen to while we eat. However, some of us preferred to listen to hip-hop while we ate. We vacillated over which music or band was better, or at least right at the moment. Of course Ms. Agee and Mr. Taylor (aka our mentor) put in their two-bits and we all agreed on music we could all agree on.

After our meal break, we continued to work on details, which included our wagon. The wagon was bought separately by Ms. Agee, Putting it together took some time to figure out, but with the manual and some expert builders, little could go wrong. After we finished the wagon, we had a little fun, trying out how much weight it could handle, and taking turns standing on the weak points (all with safety measures).

At the end of the day, we had finished our quota of work. Given the amounts of people showing up, we increased our pace and continued to do our best and continue to strive towards completion, like a true Spartan would.

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